Friday, April 8, 2011

rivarlry beween science and god

Distance makes a person far but technology makes a world small place if we are about thousand but we still communicate and express our views to any person by cell or telephone. .similary mind work on imagination we can imagine whole universe and by imagnation of men we do experiment by which world develop.But if we talk about god it is also imagnation of man but we can"t see him we can only faith on it ,we cannot do expermiment with god it is just inspiration of man which gives him or her feeling of satisfaction . But if we depend on it world cannot be develop that why albert einstein other scientist neglect god . we can feel air but cannot touch it ,and by oxygen we alive it is through nature human being develop the world . what human being sees in nature world develop . for example human being sees birds invent planes , well all the thing in world is preserve in nature but by a seeing the nature human being . develop world . well according to me god is there in nature but we cannot make faith on it because without experiment world will not develop . we can feel the heat of sun but cannot neglect it . well by sun humanbeing understand the formula of radiation and nucluer destruction. but anyone can made other sun . it is by nature world develop . but man cannot make nature . why science neglect god specially einstein because if he not neglect then he cannot make experiment . well u see all the theory and experiment of einstein related to nature . well what is time if time is not there universe will be empty place . it is virtue of nature thing which is meant it must be destructed . this is time. one who come have to go even in holy books not able to survive . we are now at height of devlopment but still we cannot guess when earthquake will come when destruction take place . but it doesn" t mean we stop our expermient for devlopment. well in short if belive in god then we cannot make development even nassa scientist any spaceship lauch or come to earth jesus in their mind but without experiment we cannot see the depth of universe . In this world everything is money person spent his her whole life in earning money when come to old age he or she thinks god give me back that time which i waste .but time is very cruel or time is god which whole world depend . even at one time earth will also destroy because time is god . and nature made the time . well even nassa scientist or anyone have desire in her his life they want money but they don"t know period their spend in taking degree is also for money but we can earn money but cannot earn time . well we are at the height of development but we cannot competitive with nature . because nature develop the world through man imagination , man not develop the nature . It is habit of human being to make experiment whenever he or she see new thing in universe . according to me universe illusion which always keep humanbeing in illusion . millons of years will go there will be new thing we found in universe , one thing more universe work according to time there is thousand of collssion take place between stars and stars and galxay destroy according to tme . like population deadth or person deadth in earth . that why we always sees comits stars destruction comeing to our milky way . And time will come our milky way will also destroy but time is relative . well here comes god when that time come . well imagine sun is time planets are subordinate. it depend on light of sun how much time light and radiation of sun keep the planets in respective orbit . well i am not enstein and i don"t know nothing but i know one thing light of sun or radiation power of keep on lowering . and there will be chance sun will blast which we called wind of fire that make the planet out of orbit . or destroy whole milky way . because of earth only . man is interfering lot with nature and two nucluer blast in japan loses the effciency of sun . now scientist saying it there black spot coming in sun this and that. if u want to save the world work for nature and stop doing expermient . because time is god and it destoy everything . well according to us there is alien uno well this is also imagination and illusion of man . and why science faith on it if he doesn"t see god why faith on aliens. well this is all rubbish . well man always want to know what happen after deadth. what u think according man goes after deadth heaven and hell . according to god point holy man we can say . according to me science what will be it . many expermient take place . well we know one who come have to go . well orgination of baby by sexual intecourse it is desire for women and men comes in contact with each other and baby born .well we imagine a women then we sex with women then baby born desire arouse in our mind and gives satisfaction . and after 9 months baby born . well now question arise if we talk about imagination god will come in between and imagination related to experiment we do ecperiment or sex desire occur which give satisfaction . similary when there is new invention in science satisfaction occur in minds of scientists. but sex is natural and inevntion is done by hard work of scientist .but it is imagination of scientist when he experiment with nature . so what u say both are related with nature . in sex no taught you but in invention theories of diffrent scientist taught you . so come to the point what u aspect what happen after deadth . well it is quite diccuilt to say but according to me baby orginate mixture of sperm of man and women . this creates a soul well what is soul it just like air we never see it duartion of deadth of person depend on dna of women and men .but time is god it decide the period of person life span .and soul is air which mix with nature after deadth of a person . but science never goes to this theory because science want experiment but we cannot make experiment with time .so science will never solve the mystery of deadth . for example it never solve mystery of aliens .

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